Mechanisms of adaptations in cardiorespiratory fitness with exercise prescriptions differing in volume and intensity in middle-age men

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Jiashi Lin
Qiqi Huang
Xinsheng Zhong
Ahua Zhang
Peixiang Lin


Background: To examine the mechanisms of adaptations in cardiorespiratory fitness with different dose of amount and intensity exercise training in middle-aged men. Methods: A total of 67 sedentary subjects aged 40-49 yr were assigned to participate for 12 weeks in a control group or in one of three exercise groups: 1) low volume/moderate intensity 2) low volume/vigorous intensity and 3) high volume/vigorous intensity. They were tested for VO2max, cardiac output (Q) and stroke volume (SV) before and after training and maximal arterial-venous oxygen difference (a-vO2diff) calculated by the Fick Equation. Results: Contrasted to control group, VO2max increased similar in both LVVI and HVVI groups after 12 weeks; It indicated that the intensity of exercise appears to make a greater benefit than the amount of exercise on VO2max. However, Maximal cardiac output (Qmax) and a-vO2diff contributed to increase VO2max were differences in both of vigorous intensity groups. In LVVI group, Qmax together with maximal a-vO2diff contributed to the greater VO2max; in HVVI group, the majority of the increment in VO2max was relied on larger Qmax whereas a widened a-vO2diff. Conclusion: It is appropriate to recommend vigorous intensity exercise to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and encourage higher amount to confer additional benefit for Qmax.


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How to Cite
Lin, J., Huang, Q., Zhong, X., Zhang, A., & Lin, P. (2024). Mechanisms of adaptations in cardiorespiratory fitness with exercise prescriptions differing in volume and intensity in middle-age men. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(1), 130-143.
Sport Medicine, Nutrition & Health
Author Biographies

Jiashi Lin, Jimei University

College of Physical Education.

Qiqi Huang, Jimei University

College of Physical Education.

Xinsheng Zhong, Xiamen Sport School

Department of Sports Teaching.

Ahua Zhang, Xiamen Huatian International Vocational College

Institute of Sports Science.

Peixiang Lin, Xiamen Huatian International Vocational College

Institute of Sports Science.

How to Cite

Lin, J., Huang, Q., Zhong, X., Zhang, A., & Lin, P. (2024). Mechanisms of adaptations in cardiorespiratory fitness with exercise prescriptions differing in volume and intensity in middle-age men. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(1), 130-143.


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