Validation of the questionnaire Conditions of Effective Gender Equality in Sport

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Maria Carboneros
José María López Gullón
Salvador Angosto


Gender equality is a fundamental right for all people, achieved by respecting the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination. Analysing the existence of this equality by carrying out studies that present a gender perspective is essential to be able to contribute to the sustainable development of the different sectors existing in society, such as sport. Thus, the main objective is to design and validate a quantitative tool to analyse the existence of effective gender equality in sport. First, a group of experts analysed the design of the questionnaire. Then, a first pilot test was carried out with an exclusive sample of women, where no reliable results were presented. Subsequently, the questionnaire was distributed to both women and men at the Pan American Games in Chile in 2023. The results obtained from the Exploratory Factor Analysis, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis and the Reliability calculation were favourable and optimal, thus confirming that the questionnaire is valid and reliable for the analysis of effective equality. The final structure presents a total of 16 items divided into the dimensions of Sport Growth, Material Barriers and Empowerment.


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How to Cite
Carboneros, M., López Gullón, J. M., & Angosto, S. (2025). Validation of the questionnaire Conditions of Effective Gender Equality in Sport. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(2), 515-532.
Author Biographies

Maria Carboneros, University of Murcia

Faculty of Sport Sciences.

José María López Gullón, University of Murcia

Faculty of Sport Sciences.

Salvador Angosto, University of Murcia

Faculty of Sport Sciences.

How to Cite

Carboneros, M., López Gullón, J. M., & Angosto, S. (2025). Validation of the questionnaire Conditions of Effective Gender Equality in Sport. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(2), 515-532.


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