Shoulder’s strength, range of motion and scapulohumeral rhythm in a cohort of male master tennis players

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Marco Bravi
Riccardo Borzuola
Pietro Picerno
Giuseppe Vannozzi
Fabio Santacaterina
Arrigo Giombini
Giuseppe Massazza
Ugo Riba
Rocco Papalia
Fabio Pigozzi
Chiara Fossati
Andrea Macaluso


Tennis is known for its repetitive upper limb movements, which can potentially lead to injuries. While past research investigated shoulder biomechanics in young athletes and female players, there is a lack of study regarding male master tennis athletes. This study aimed to compare some of the biomechanical features in the dominant shoulder between master tennis players and age-matched non-tennis athletes. Isometric strength, range of motion, and scapulohumeral-rhythm, which describes the coordinated kinematic pattern between scapula and humerus during arm elevation, with and without 2kg dumbbells, were compared between 15 master tennis athletes and 15 non-tennis athletes. Tennis athletes exhibited a higher external rotation RoM in the dominant than in the non-dominant shoulder with no differences with non-tennis athletes. Extension, abduction, adduction and external rotation strength were greater in tennis athletes compared to controls, while there were no differences in the external to internal rotation ratio. Scapulohumeral-rhythm in the dominant shoulder was similar between the two groups, with a magnitude approaching the physiological value of 2:1. Therefore, from a biomechanical perspective, the results suggest that long-term participation in tennis does not significantly affect the balance in shoulder rotator strength and the scapulohumeral-rhythm, likely not representing a risk factor for shoulder injuries.


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How to Cite
Bravi, M., Borzuola, R., Picerno, P., Vannozzi, G., Santacaterina, F., Giombini, A., Massazza, G., Riba, U., Papalia, R., Pigozzi, F., Fossati, C., & Macaluso, A. (2025). Shoulder’s strength, range of motion and scapulohumeral rhythm in a cohort of male master tennis players. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(2), 499-514.
Author Biographies

Marco Bravi, University of Rome “Foro Italico”

Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences. University of Rome “Foro Italico”. Rome, Italy.

Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico Foundation. Rome, Italy.

Riccardo Borzuola, University of Rome “Foro Italico”

Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences.

Pietro Picerno, University of Sassari

Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Giuseppe Vannozzi, University of Rome “Foro Italico”

Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences.

Fabio Santacaterina, Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico Foundation

Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.

Arrigo Giombini, University of Rome “Foro Italico”

Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences.

Giuseppe Massazza, University of Turin

Department of Surgical Sciences. University of Turin. Turin, Italy.

IRR Rehabilitation Center. Turin, Italy.

Rocco Papalia, Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico Foundation

Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery.

Fabio Pigozzi, University of Rome “Foro Italico”

Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences. University of Rome “Foro Italico”. Rome, Italy.

Villa Stuart Sport Clinic. FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence. Rome, Italy.

Chiara Fossati, University of Rome “Foro Italico”

Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences.

Andrea Macaluso, University of Rome “Foro Italico”

Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences. University of Rome “Foro Italico”. Rome, Italy.

Stuart Sport Clinic. FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence. Rome, Italy.

How to Cite

Bravi, M., Borzuola, R., Picerno, P., Vannozzi, G., Santacaterina, F., Giombini, A., Massazza, G., Riba, U., Papalia, R., Pigozzi, F., Fossati, C., & Macaluso, A. (2025). Shoulder’s strength, range of motion and scapulohumeral rhythm in a cohort of male master tennis players. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(2), 499-514.


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