Loaded hip thrust-based PAP protocol effect on 20 meters sprint performance

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Mehmet Onur Vurmaz
Samet Durmuş Kösemen
Hakan Akdeniz
Derya Aysen Alpay
Özlem Ağca Töre
Bergün Meriç Bingül


Background and Study Aim. This study aimed to investigate the effects of post-activation strengthening protocol (PAP) based on barbell hip thrust movements with different rest intervals on subsequent sprint performance. Material and Methods. Nine physical education and sports students (age 19.5 ± 0.2 years; height 180.3 ± 5.2 cm; body mass 81.2 ± 6.9 kg) participated in the study. 1RM of the barbell hip thrust movements of the athletes was taken and 85% of the movement was calculated (85 PAP). The athletes performed three different protocols after the dynamic warm up. The first protocol was 85PAP + 15 s rest interval, the second protocol consisted of 85PAP + 4 min rest interval; and the other protocol was 85PAP + 8 min. rest interval. Each protocol was followed by a 20-m sprint. Results. After the 85PAP protocol, there was a decrease in the sprint time after 15 s, 4 and 8 minutes (p < .05). Conclusions. When the waiting time increased, the sprint performance improved. This study demonstrated that intensive BHT exercise could increase the PAP effect. It was also found that the effect of the intensive BHT could vary according to the strength level of the individual.


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How to Cite
Vurmaz, M. O., Kösemen, S. D., Akdeniz, H., Alpay, D. A., Töre, Özlem A., & Bingül, B. M. (2025). Loaded hip thrust-based PAP protocol effect on 20 meters sprint performance. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(2), 459-469. https://doi.org/10.55860/azqt2512
Performance Analysis of Sport
Author Biographies

Mehmet Onur Vurmaz, Kocaeli University

Department of Coaching Education. Faculty of Sports Sciences.

Samet Durmuş Kösemen, Kocaeli University

Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching. Faculty of Sports Sciences.

Hakan Akdeniz, Kocaeli University

Department of Recreation Education. Faculty of Sports Sciences.

Derya Aysen Alpay, Kocaeli University

Department of Coaching Education. Faculty of Sports Sciences.

Özlem Ağca Töre, Kocaeli University

Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching. Faculty of Sports Sciences.

Bergün Meriç Bingül, Kocaeli University

Department of Coaching Education. Faculty of Sports Sciences.

How to Cite

Vurmaz, M. O., Kösemen, S. D., Akdeniz, H., Alpay, D. A., Töre, Özlem A., & Bingül, B. M. (2025). Loaded hip thrust-based PAP protocol effect on 20 meters sprint performance. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(2), 459-469. https://doi.org/10.55860/azqt2512


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