Unfolding the aggression and locus of control paradigm in sportspersons and non-sportspersons
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The present study investigated Aggression and Locus of Control on Combat Sports Persons, Non-Combat Sports Persons, and Non-Sports Persons. In this study, a sample of 240 individuals (80 Combat sports, 80 Non-Combat Sports & 80 Non-Sportspersons) was used through purposive sampling. The tools administered were the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire by Arnold H. Buss and Mark Perry and Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale by Julian Rotter respectively. The objective of the study was to investigate Aggression and Locus of Control in males and females from Combat, Non-Combat, and Non-Sports persons. This research also aims to explore the relationship between Aggression and Locus of Control. Mean, t-test, F-value (ANOVA), and correlation have been computed over SPSS-16. Results suggest that males from Combat have higher Aggression than people from non-sports and non-combat sports. There is also a significant difference between non-sports persons and sports people over the Locus of Control, sports persons showed internal locus of control compared to non-sports persons who were higher on external locus of control. The result also indicates a significant relationship between the anger dimension of the Aggression and Locus of Control.
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