Effect of three months high-intensity anaerobic treadmill-based exercise on intuitive decision-making capability A prospective cohort study
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Background. Quick decision making capability is critical for handling critical situation. Intuitive decision making is most desirable for situations requiring quick and heedful decisions. Decision making, just like other cognitive skills can be modified through several factors like physical activity. In this study we aim to decipher the effects of high-intensity treadmill-based exercise on intuitive ability. Methods. A prospective cohort design with convenience sampling with a sample of 80 participants from various gym centres. Following ethical approval and informed consent, participants were divided in to either no exercise (NE) (n = 38) condition or treadmill-based exercise (TBE) group (n = 42). Data on socio-demographic characters, self-reported mental health history and IDM scores were obtained. Data were obtained at baseline and after 34 sessions of treadmill-based exercise for TBE and 12 weeks of normal physical activity for NE group. Mixed-factor ANOVA, paired t-test and regression analysis was used utilizing SPSS version 21. Results. A significant improvement in IDM scores was observed in TBE group after 34 exercise sessions as compared to NE group (p < .01). A significant interaction of time points and group was also revealed through mixed-factor ANOVA (p < .01). Socio-demographic characters and mental health history had no significant impact on IDM scores. Chi-square analysis of the IDM sub-categories showed a significant increase in intuitive decision making individuals in the TBE group post intervention (p < .01). Conclusion. Exercise training can be used as a potential training tool for improving decision making outcomes in critical settings.
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