The relationship of foot anthropometry with countermovement jump and squat jump performance among male university-level athletes
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This study assessed the relationship between foot anthropometry with countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) performance among university-level male athletes. A total of 51 male athletes were selected from different sports. Various gross and acute anthropometric measurements were conducted. Each participant performed three CMJs and SJs each. Standing height has a moderate positive correlation with CMJ force (ρ = .368, p = .008) and power (ρ = .326, p = .019). Body mass demonstrated a high positive association with CMJ force (ρ = .568, p = .001) and a moderate positive correlation with power (ρ = .446, p = .001). The lower leg length was moderately positively correlated with CMJ flight time (ρ = .316, p = .024) (ρ = .311, p = .026), velocity (ρ = .304, p = .030), and power and showed a weak positive correlation with CMJ height (ρ = .290), p = .039). Foot length had a moderate positive correlation with CMJ force (ρ = .419, p = .002) and power (ρ = .377, p = .002). Conversely, a weak negative correlation was observed between foot arch height and both CMJ height (ρ = -.286, p = .042) and CMJ velocity (ρ = -.285, p = .043). These findings suggest the significant relationships between specific anthropometric characteristics with CMJ and SJ performance. However, the correlations showed moderate or lower strengths, underscoring the importance of further investigation.
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