Athletes’ perception of perceived quality at the CESA BM 2022
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Nowadays, numerous sporting events of diverse nature take place every week. This highlights the importance of conducting studies to assess their quality and determine the best event to participate in. Obtaining this information will allow organisers and managers to improve the services offered in order to meet the growing demands of users. The purpose of this study was to analyse the perception of quality by the athletes who attended and participated in the Campeonato de España de Selecciones Autonómicas de Balonmano 2022 (CESA BM 2022), with a gender breakdown. The sample consisted of 514 athletes. Data collection was carried out telematically by means of an online survey using the "Encuestas" tool of the University of Murcia. Perceived quality elements were assessed, as well as the importance of performance, segregated by gender and category of participation. The main results revealed that for athletes, the best rated dimension was "Future intentions", while the worst was "Perceived value". Some conclusions drawn from this study include that the female gender of the sample perceived higher quality compared to the male gender. It was also observed that players in the infantile category perceived higher quality than cadets and juniors, and statistically significant differences were also found between the various elements of the study.
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