A comparative study on attitude towards physical education program between urban and rural higher secondary girls
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Physical education is the fundamental aspects of human life, which is included games and sports, physical fitness. The study has shown the importance of physical education and their implication in schools. It has also discussed about the National Education policy on physical education. This study based on Higher secondary girls’ students’ attitude towards physical education program between Urban and Rural areas from selected three districts of Tripura i.e. North district, Sepahijala district and Unakoti District. The researcher has been selected 140 higher secondary girls students in random basis for the study as a subject and 70/70 girls in urban and rural higher secondary. The data has been collected with Opinionnaire by Raut’s Attitude Opinionnaire (2007) towards physical education program and the responses were employed by Likert scale method. For analysing the data and ‘t’ test was used. It has found out that the girls’ students of Urban areas have more positive attitude towards physical education program than the rural girls and there was significant difference between urban and rural girls of selected districts of Tripura. The study has found the low attitude on rural girls’ than the urban.
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How to Cite
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