Comparing the maximal horizontal deceleration demands between a novel acceleration to deceleration assessment and the 505 change of direction test
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The importance of quantifying maximal horizontal deceleration performance in athlete populations has received a considerable increase in interest over recent years. However, research is still scarce investigating movement characteristics of maximal horizontal decelerations outside of measures derived from instantaneous horizontal velocity of the centre of mass, using technologies such as radar or laser-based devices. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the biomechanical differences for measures of deceleration ability between a novel deceleration task, and the 505 change of direction test, using an inertial measurement unit-based technology. Primary findings suggested differences across several biomechanical characteristics quantified during the deceleration phase, with moderate to large between-test effect sizes. Specifically, subjects were found to exhibit significantly greater reductions in velocity and horizontal braking forces in the 505. Further, subjects showed significantly shorter stopping times and distances in the acceleration-deceleration assessment, however, these displayed insufficient levels of reliability across both assessments, which should be interpreted as a limitation. Therefore, it may be speculated that based on our data, the 505 test, which possesses a predetermined stopping/turning point, presents a greater or different biomechanical challenge to individuals, which must be met with the appropriate neuromuscular and skill-related qualities to efficiently reduce whole-body momentum. These findings may be relevant to practitioners interested in choosing the right assessment to quantify athletes’ maximal horizontal deceleration performance, which can have implications for both health and performance.
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How to Cite
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