Ecological dynamics approach in physical education to promote cognitive skills development A review

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Silvia Coppola
Cristiana D'Anna
Valeria Minghelli
Rodolfo Vastola


The aim of this paper is to carry out a theoretical transposition of the principles of the ecological dynamic approach in the field of physical and sports education, aimed at defining educational approaches capable of promoting an effective acquisition of cognitive skills, through the practice of physical activity and sport. Physical education, according to an ecological dynamics perspective, considers the performer a complex adaptive system, which interacts with the environments in a functionally integrated way, underlining the interrelationship between motor processes, cognitive and perceptive functions. The cognitive area of Life Skills (Cognitive Life Skills, CLS), divided by the WHO, into decision making, problem solving, creative thinking and critical thinking processes, can be framed as an intrinsic part of goal-directed behaviour influenced by functional constraints determined by individual-environment interaction. Therefore, physical and sport activity practiced according to the principles of the ecological dynamic approach can be configured as an elective tool to promote the development of cognitive skills. In this article, the relevant theories of ecological dynamics are discussed and recent empirical data on the perceptual-cognitive processes which are activated through the practice of physical education and sport are described to underline the potential of such practices for the development of cognitive skills. The development of this specific theoretical transposition represents a starting point for the definition and experimentation of ecological dynamic interventions designed with the aim of investigating the effects of physical and sporting activity on the development of cognitive skills for life.


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Review Paper

Author Biographies

Silvia Coppola, University of Salerno

Department of Human Sciences, Philosophy & Education.

Cristiana D'Anna, Pegaso University

Department of Human Sciences, Education and Sport.

Valeria Minghelli, University of Salerno

Department of Human Sciences, Philosophy & Education.

Rodolfo Vastola, University of Salerno

Department of Human, Philosophical & Educational Sciences.

How to Cite

Coppola, S., D'Anna, C., Minghelli, V., & Vastola, R. (2024). Ecological dynamics approach in physical education to promote cognitive skills development: A review. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 19(3), 792-802.


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