The effects of dynamic stretching performed before and between the sets of exercises on vertical jump performance
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dynamic stretching (DS) performed before and between the sets of exercises on vertical jump performance. Twelve healthy adult males performed DS on their lower limb muscles, with 10 repetitions on each side before and between four sets of three repetitions of vertical jumps. Vertical jump height was measured. Additionally, the percent change in jump height for each set was determined based on the baseline score from set 1. Heart rate was also measured at rest, before exercise, and before each set of vertical jumps. Vertical jump height was significantly higher in the latter half of the sets (p < .05) compared to the condition in which DS was only performed before exercise and to the control condition in which the participants were refrained from performing DS throughout. In addition, when DS was only performed before exercise, vertical jump height was significantly lower in set 4 compared to set 1 (p = .001). These findings suggest that DS performed between sets, in addition to performing before the exercise, produces a higher power output in vertical jump performance in the latter half of multiple sets.
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