Evaluation of sports tourism development policy in Sumedang An implementation of the logic model

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Rizal Ahmad Fauzi
Yudha Munajat Saputra
Amung Ma'mun
Nuryadi Nuryadi
Sri Rizki Handayani


The local government is making serious efforts to develop tourism in several destinations in Sumedang. Various policies regarding tourism were created to facilitate the implementation of regional tourism. To ensure the level of success of tourism policies, researchers evaluated sports tourism policies. Materials and Methods. The research method used is an evaluation method with a logic model with keys including context, input, activity, output, outcome, and impact. Research subjects include local governments, sports players, tourists, and the community. The research instruments used included interviews with 32 questions, observation, and documentation. Results. The results of this research include a context (policy, organization and program objectives), input (human resources, number of sport tourism, budget, facility time, and activities (training, material development, program implementation, and event promotion), output (participants, total income, increased employment opportunities, and improved regional image), outcome (knowledge, behaviour, social conditions, and economic quality), impact (social change, improved quality of life) Conclusions. This research provides implications for policymakers to maximise local governments' role in developing regional tourism, especially sports tourism. Evaluation of sports tourism policies in this research provide suggestions for local governments to review and make sports tourism a priority tourism.


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Author Biographies

Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Indonesian University of Education

School of Postgraduate Studies. Sports Education Study Program.

Yudha Munajat Saputra, Indonesian University of Education

School of Postgraduate Studies. Sports Education Study Program.

Amung Ma'mun, Indonesian University of Education

School of Postgraduate Studies. Sports Education Study Program.

Nuryadi Nuryadi, Indonesian University of Education

School of Postgraduate Studies. Sports Education Study Program.

Sri Rizki Handayani, Indonesian University of Education & Muhammadiyah University of Education

School of Postgraduate Studies. Sports Education Study Program.

How to Cite

Fauzi, R. A., Saputra, Y. M., Ma'mun, A., Nuryadi, N., & Handayani, S. R. . (2024). Evaluation of sports tourism development policy in Sumedang: An implementation of the logic model. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(1), 302-315. https://doi.org/10.55860/xz69nw69


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