The effects of chat GPT generated exercise program in healthy overweight young adults A pilot study
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Overweight is an increasing public health issue worldwide. Physical activity may reduce the risks of consequences from overweight. Chat GPT is a potential tool in healthcare projects. This study aimed to evaluate if the chat GPT generated exercise program group (ChatGPT) was effective in overweight persons. This was an intervention study with a randomized controlled fashion. The inclusion criteria were students aged of 18 years or more, male sex, healthy, and had body mass index of 23-24.99 kg/m2. Eligible participants were randomly assigned into two groups by a simple random sampling: control group or ChatGPT group. The intervention was performed for eight weeks and three times/week. The outcomes included weight, cardiovascular endurance, percent fat, percent muscle, flexibility, and lung capacity. There were 9 participants in the study; ChatGPT for 6 persons and control group for 3 persons. At baseline, there was no significant difference of studied variables between both groups. At the end of study, there were three studied variables significantly different between the ChatGPT group and the control group including body mass index, heart rate after standing and knee lifting for three minutes and sit and stand in 30 seconds. The body mass index of the ChatGPT group was significantly lower than the control group (22.99 vs 24.46 kg/m2; p = .020). Chat GPT generated exercise program is feasible for overweight, young adults to lose weight and improve their cardiovascular fitness, muscle fitness, and fat loss. However, further studies are required to confirm the results of this study.
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