Dynamic levels of hormonal, oxidants, insomnia, and stress in badminton athletes who practice morning and evening

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Andi Ariyandy
M. Aryadi Arsyad
Andi Rizky Arbaim Hasyar
Meutiah Mutmainnah Abdullah
Nukhrawi Nawir
Ayun Dwi Astuti
Muhammad Iqbal Basri
Rinvil Renaldi
Mochmmad Erwin Rachman
Ainun Zulkiah Surur
Wahyu Usman
Fadliana Utami


Circadian rhythms are internal mechanisms that regulate various aspects of the human body's physiology and behaviour that are influenced by activity, physicality, and change time in 24 hours. This study aims to compare oxidant levels and hormonal levels based on differences in training times, namely morning and evening, in badminton athletes. This research involved 44 badminton athletes using a purposive sampling technique who were divided into a morning group (n = 22) and an evening group (n = 22). Melatonin levels were measured using the Elabscience Kit (No. E-EL-H2016) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels using spectrophotometry. All research procedures have received ethical approval from the Hasanuddin University Medical Faculty Ethics Commission (Number: 377/UN4. The results of this study indicate that the athlete's melatonin value in the morning was 76.71 ± (29.05-247.45) higher than in the evening 80.43 ± (50.83-155.24) Meanwhile, the athlete's MDA value in the evening was 2.08 ± (0.74–4.57) higher compared to the MDA in the morning of 1.09 ± (0.33–3.71). Meanwhile, based on the insomnia value for evening training, a higher value was obtained compared to morning training, namely 9.50 ± (3-11). However, there was no significant difference in stress levels. The results of the study showed that badminton athletes who trained at night tended to experience sleep disturbances (insomnia) and increased oxidant levels, while hormonal levels, especially melatonin, were higher in athletes who trained in the morning.


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Sport Medicine, Nutrition & Health

Author Biographies

Andi Ariyandy , Hasanuddin University

Department of Physiology. Faculty of Medicine.

M. Aryadi Arsyad, Hasanuddin University

Department of Physiology. Faculty of Medicine.

Andi Rizky Arbaim Hasyar, Hasanuddin University

Department of Physiotherapy. Faculty of Nursing.

Meutiah Mutmainnah Abdullah, Hasanuddin University

Department of Physiotherapy. Faculty of Nursing.

Nukhrawi Nawir, State University of Makassar

Department of Sport Science. Faculty of Sport Science.

Ayun Dwi Astuti, Hasanuddin University

Department of Pharmacy Science. Faculty of Pharmacy.

Muhammad Iqbal Basri, Hasanuddin University

Department of Neurology. Faculty of Medicine.

Rinvil Renaldi, Hasanuddin University

Department of Psychiatry. Faculty of Medicine.

Mochmmad Erwin Rachman, Muslim University of Indonesia

Department of Physiology. Faculty of Medicine.

Ainun Zulkiah Surur, Hasanuddin University

Department of Physiology. Faculty of Medicine.

Wahyu Usman, Hasanuddin University

Department of Physiology. Faculty of Medicine.

Fadliana Utami, Hasanuddin University

Department of Physiology. Faculty of Medicine.

How to Cite

Ariyandy , A., Arsyad, M. A., Hasyar, A. R. A., Abdullah, M. M., Nawir, N., Astuti, A. D., Basri, M. I., Renaldi, R., Rachman, M. E., Surur, A. Z., Usman, W., & Utami, F. (2024). Dynamic levels of hormonal, oxidants, insomnia, and stress in badminton athletes who practice morning and evening. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 19(2), 522-535. https://doi.org/10.55860/wvm7n911

Funding data


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