Imagery vividness and perspectives in women’s artistic gymnastics training

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Juliane Veit
Tobias Vogt


This study aimed to examine imagery vividness and different modalities and perspectives in women’s artistic gymnastics. It explored athletes’ imagery use in training practice and how vivid imagery is developed for different motor tasks. Forty-seven female athletes (age 19 ± 3 years), with women’s artistic gymnastics expertise (12 ± 4 years) participated in this study. The Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire (Dahm et al., 2019) was used to determine the imagery vividness of the participants for the different imagery modalities and perspectives respectively: external–visual, internal–visual, and kinaesthetic. The ANOVA results showed no differences between the most vivid imagery for age (F[3] = 0.724, p = .54) and expertise (F[4] = 0.091, p = .97). T-test results revealed differences in the imagery vividness of the kinaesthetic imagery depending on the gymnasts’ activity as a coach (F[45] = 5.280, p < .05). To benefit from imagery use in training (e.g. to adjust coaching), the most vivid imagery modality and perspective must be determined individually. These results emphasise the need for skill-specific assessments of imagery modalities and perspectives to benefit from individualised imagery-adapted instructions.


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Physical Education / Children & Exercise

Author Biographies

Juliane Veit, German Sport University Cologne

Department Didactics and Methodology in Sports. Institute of Professional Sport Education and Sport Qualifications.

Tobias Vogt, German Sport University Cologne

Department Didactics and Methodology in Sports. Institute of Professional Sport Education and Sport Qualifications.

How to Cite

Veit, J., & Vogt, T. (2024). Imagery vividness and perspectives in women’s artistic gymnastics training. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(1), 338-347.


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