Impact of early leadership on performance in volleyball sets

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Carlos López-Serrano
César Hernández González
Pablo Sánchez Morillas
Eduardo López
Juan José Molina Martín


The aim of this study was to determine the impact of different contextual variables on winning volleyball sets. The variables were selected based on their significance as determined by expert coaches. The sample consisted of 1,849 sets, representing all matches played in both categories during the 2022 and 2023 Volleyball Nations League and the 2021 Olympic Games. To analyse the variables, multivariate logistic regressions and Markov chains were applied. The results showed that opponent level explained 21.6% of the variability found; being especially relevant when playing against opponents separated by two competitive levels. Winning the previous set increased the chances of winning the next set by 7.83%. Leading the score at the end of both set periods enhanced the likelihood of winning the set, reaching 87.12% when finishing ahead in both periods. Moreover, at the end of the second period, each additional point increased the likelihood of winning the set by 1.54%. These results signify an advancement in comprehending the impact of contextual variables on winning high-level volleyball sets.


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Performance Analysis of Sport

Author Biographies

Carlos López-Serrano, Technical University of Madrid

Department of Sports. Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (INEF).

Eduardo López, European University of Madrid

Faculty of Sport Sciences.

Juan José Molina Martín, Technical University of Madrid

Department of Sports. Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (INEF).

How to Cite

López-Serrano, C., Hernández González, C., Sánchez Morillas, P., López, E., & Molina Martín, J. J. (2024). Impact of early leadership on performance in volleyball sets. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 19(4), 992-1008.


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