Influence of compression garments on perceived exertion during maximal isometric exercises

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Enrico Serra
Daniele Albano
Maria Teresa Benincasa
Rodolfo Vastola


Compression garments have gained popularity in the sports world as a means to enhance athletic performance and accelerate recovery. This study investigates the effectiveness of upper-body compression garments and their impact on the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) during maximal isometric contractions. Eight adult males, students of a Master's degree program in Sports Sciences, participated in the study, conducting tests in controlled conditions at the University of Salerno. The subjects performed maximal isometric contractions in three separate sessions, wearing compression garments (CG), traditional sportswear (noCG), and a tight-fitting garment without compression effect, to minimize the placebo effect (Placebo), respectively. Perceived exertion was assessed using the modified CR-10 scale. Statistical analysis revealed a significant reduction in RPE when athletes wore compression garments compared to other conditions, suggesting a benefit in the use of such clothing. The findings indicate that compression garments can attenuate the perception of exertion during intense physical activities, with potential implications for performance, comfort, and recovery. This study contributes to the existing literature by expanding the understanding of the effects of compression clothing and highlighting the importance of further research to optimize the use of these garments in enhancing athletic performance.


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How to Cite
Serra, E., Albano, D., Benincasa, M. T., & Vastola, R. (2024). Influence of compression garments on perceived exertion during maximal isometric exercises. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 19(4), 930-940.
Performance Analysis of Sport
Author Biographies

Enrico Serra, University of Verona & University of Salerno

Department Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences. University of Verona.

Department of Human, Philosophical and Educational Sciences. University of Salerno.

Daniele Albano, University of Salerno

Department of Human, Philosophical and Educational Sciences.


Maria Teresa Benincasa, University of Salerno

Department of Human, Philosophical and Educational Sciences.

Rodolfo Vastola, University of Salerno

Department of Political and Social Studies.

How to Cite

Serra, E., Albano, D., Benincasa, M. T., & Vastola, R. (2024). Influence of compression garments on perceived exertion during maximal isometric exercises. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 19(4), 930-940.


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