Influence of fitness level and technique on Wingate test result in different positions
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The level of anaerobic performance primarily influences the result of the 30-second Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT). This study aims to determine the influence of position on the overall performance achieved in different phases of the WAnT in participants with different fitness levels. Sixty participants (21.00 ± 2.24 years): 20 race cyclists, 20 competitive runners, and 20 non-athletes performed three WAnTs (sitting, standing, and combined position) in one week. For the analysis, we used a random mixed effect model with type and position as a fixed effect. We studied the meaning of interactions and the main effects of fixed variables (ρ≤0,05). Technically advanced individuals perform significantly better in standing than sitting from the 8th second until the end of the test. Technically and physically advanced individuals achieve significantly higher performance levels in the first half of the standing position test than those who are fitness-ready but without the necessary level of technique. Fit individuals without of technique achieve high performance in the second half of the WAnT in the standing position. The main benefit of the work is the finding that the level of fitness and technique of pedalling have a different influence on performance in different phases of the WAnT.
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