Comparative analysis of muscular fitness tests and their correlation with anthropometric data in children aged 9-12
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Physical fitness, encompassing cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and body composition, is vital for health and well-being. Muscular fitness, in particular, is associated with decreased risks of depression, cognitive disorders, and metabolic disease. Despite various available tests to measure muscle strength, there is no consensus on the most effective test or combination of tests, and direct comparisons are scarce. This study evaluated the muscular fitness of 484 children aged 9-12 years (225 girls and 259 boys) through multiple tests, including standing broad jump (SBJ), push-ups, bent-arm hang (BAH), sit-ups, handgrip strength, back-leg dynamometry (back-leg), and medicine ball throw (MBT), to assess their correlation with anthropometric data. Our correlation analysis revealed strong relationships (r > 0.6) between handgrip and MBT, handgrip and back-leg, and MBT and back-leg. However, most correlations were weak or very weak, indicating that different aspects of muscle strength, as assessed by these tests, are largely independent and cannot be substituted for one another. This underscores the necessity of employing a variety of tests in the comprehensive assessment of muscular fitness, taking into account the unique predictive value of each.
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