Patterns of collective organization associated with positive and negative momentum experiences in football An expert coach description-based analysis

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Hervé Gautier
Olivier Cavailles
Christophe Gernigon


Purpose: Momentum experiences in sport competition are known to be associated with performance-related behavioural changes. In addition to effort exertion, interpersonal synchronization in small team sports has been identified as a behavioural correlate of momentum experiences. However, there is a lack of research on collective organization related to momentum in larger team sports. The present study aimed to identify and compare patterns of collective organization in football according to positive and negative momentum experiences in the form of gradual and significant score variations. Method(s): We analysed expert coaches' video-based descriptions of the collective organization of high level football teams that experienced positive and negative momentum phases during international matches. Results: The main results show that positive momentum phases were associated with forward-located and compact team block, as well as with players' runs more often directed towards the opposing goal. Negative momentum phases were associated with backward-located and stretched team block, as well as with frequent backward runs and block-disconnected individual actions. Conclusion(s): These initial findings regarding the relationships between momentum experiences and collective organization in team sports pave the way for the training of skills for early detection of momentum phases and skills for reacting appropriately to their onset.


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How to Cite
Gautier, H., Cavailles, O., & Gernigon, C. (2024). Patterns of collective organization associated with positive and negative momentum experiences in football: An expert coach description-based analysis. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 19(2), 667-678.
Performance Analysis of Sport
Author Biographies

Hervé Gautier, University of Montpellier

EuroMov Digital Health in Motion.

Olivier Cavailles, University of Montpellier

Faculty of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

Christophe Gernigon, University of Montpellier

EuroMov Digital Health in Motion.

How to Cite

Gautier, H., Cavailles, O., & Gernigon, C. (2024). Patterns of collective organization associated with positive and negative momentum experiences in football: An expert coach description-based analysis. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 19(2), 667-678.


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