Recent trends in physical activity correlates among children and adolescents in China A systematic review

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Liu Meng
Hazizi Abu Saad
Soh Kim Geok
Yuan Chuan
Ren Guangtao


China, one of the most densely populated emerging nations, is confronted with an escalating problem of inadequate physical activity among its children and teenagers. This review systematically examines literature from the past five years to identify the latest trends in factors related to physical activity among Chinese kids and teenagers, aiming to provide information for formulating policies and intervention strategies tailored to China's national context. We searched six electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, SPORTDiscus, and ERIC) for studies published between January 2019 and January 2024. A total of 30 articles met the inclusion criteria, with four employing longitudinal designs and three using objective tools to assess physical activity. Sample sizes ranged from 255 to 93,600 participants, with 23 studies involving more than 1,000 participants. The findings indicate that, compared to other countries, young people's physical activity in China is more strongly associated with parental support, physical exercise, family structure, and neighbourhood safety. Furthermore, research examining the correlation between school surroundings and physical activity is scarce. Future interventions should prioritize family-related factors and strengthen the collaboration between families and schools.


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Review Paper

Author Biographies

Liu Meng, University Putra Malaysia

Department of Nutrition. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Hazizi Abu Saad, University Putra Malaysia

Department of Nutrition. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Soh Kim Geok, University Putra Malaysia

Department of Sports Studies. Faculty of Educational Studies.

Yuan Chuan, University Putra Malaysia

Department of Nutrition. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Ren Guangtao, University Putra Malaysia

Department of Nutrition. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

How to Cite

Meng, L., Abu Saad, H., Geok, S. K., Chuan, Y., & Guangtao, R. . (2025). Recent trends in physical activity correlates among children and adolescents in China: A systematic review. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise , 20(2), 547-561.


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