Health and skill-related physical fitness of physiotherapy students An observational study
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Physiotherapy is a physically demanding profession. Health and skill-related physical fitness should be emphasized in physiotherapy students for both the personal benefit on their own health and injury prevention and for the sustainability of their ability to meet job demands. This study aims to assess levels of health and skill-related physical fitness in undergraduate physiotherapy students in Jordan. A cross sectional study of 109 physiotherapy students; 23 males aged 19.57 (1.44) years and 86 females aged 20.02 (2.61) years. The following health and skill-related physical fitness components were assessed: body mass index (BMI), modified sit and reach, partial curl-up, push-ups, vertical jump, 20-m shuttle run, handgrip strength, 4x10 shuttle run, and star excursion balance tests. Most of the students had normal BMI (65.1%) but levels of physical fitness were mainly poor and below average except for hamstring flexibility which was excellent. Lack of normative data on agility and dynamic balance in healthy adults who are not athletes limited determining their level in our students. The results mainly demonstrated poor levels of health-related physical fitness of Jordanian physiotherapy students, which could have a significant effect on their performance and increase their risk of injury. Dynamic balance and agility results are presented for the first time in healthy adults (not athletes) which could be used in future research. It is suggested to encourage commitment towards lifestyle modification and health behaviour and increase awareness of the physical demands of the profession.
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Funding data
Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Jordan
Grant numbers 2015-2014/143
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