Self-perception of efficacy and attitudes towards physical activity and sport in schoolchildren Are there differences between Primary Education and Secondary Education students in Cantabria?
Main Article Content
This study aimed to know the self-perception and attitudes towards physical activity and sport in Primary Education (PE) and Secondary Education (SE) schoolchildren from educational centres in Cantabria, depending on sex and educational stage. A total of 1,164 students participated (387 from 5th and 6th years of PE and 777 from SE) aged between 10 and 17 years (M = 12.92; SD = 1.92). An ad hoc questionnaire of 11 questions on self-perception (6 items) and attitudes towards physical activity and sport (5 items) was used. PE students have a better self-perception and attitude towards physical activity and sport than SE students in all the variables studied, except for the attitude that “The practice of physical-sports activity is good for health” (p = .197). In the gender factor, boys perceive themselves as having greater physical condition and capacity than girls in terms of physical activity and sports (p < .001) and better performance when compared with boys of the same age and same sex (p < .001). PE students perceive themselves as having better attitudes and more competence than SE students, at the same time that they have more fun and enjoy themselves and would be more willing to practice more physical activity and sport. In terms of gender, boys perceive themselves as better than girls and enjoy and have more fun than girls.
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