A Tabata-based high-intensity interval training study on body composition and physical fitness in sedentary university female students
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The current investigation explored the impact of given 12-week Tabata training intervention on decreasing body composition and overall physical performance among sedentary female students. The study involved the random assignment of forty undergraduate women into two groups for the purpose of this research. The age of individuals spans from 18 to 23. The study consisted of two groups: the control group (CG N = 20) and experimental group (EG N = 20). The experimental group engaged in a 12-week Tabata training routine. Pre and post data were calculated with the dependent variables, which comprises height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, speed, agility, endurance, abdominal strength, and leg strength. Followed by the statistical analysis of the collected data. The majority of the enhancements resulted in a decrease in BMI and waist-to-hip ratio. In addition to that there was a rise in physical performance, including improved abilities in areas such as speed, agility, endurance, abdominal strength, and leg strength of sedentary female students.
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How to Cite
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