Relationships between throwing distance and physical strength in female hammer throw: Estimating physical strength requirement corresponding to throwing distance
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationships between female hammer throwers’ physical strength and their throwing performance and to create standard values corresponding to throwing distance. Eighty-two female hammer throwers, with the throwing distance ranging from 30.31 to 63.82 meters, participated in this study. The questionnaire was designed to collect data on physical strength. Pearson's product-rate correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between each item and the throwing distance. A single regression analysis was performed with each item which was significantly correlated to the throwing distance as the dependent variable and the throwing distance as the independent variable to estimate the standard values corresponding to throwing distance. The results showed that all physical strength variables, except for 30 m sprint, were significantly correlated with the throwing distance, with weight training variables having the higher correlation coefficients. In addition, standard values corresponding to throwing distance were obtained using a single regression analysis.
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How to Cite
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