The interpersonal coordination constraint on the volleyball setter’s decision-making on setting direction
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This study investigated the setter’s decision-making on setting direction based on interpersonal (interaction between players) and extra personal (interaction between players and some place or object) coordination. The sample consisted of 86 sequences of play involving settings performed by males (n = 43) and females (n = 43). Fifty-nine spatiotemporal measures of interpersonal and extra personal coordination were obtained from the x and y coordinates of volleyball players’ displacements using the TACTO software. Settings to each court zone were compared in relation to each spatiotemporal measure. Results showed that when the final area between attacker in the zone 3 and block was greatest and emerged from highest velocity, setters decided to set to zone 2. On the other hand, when the foregoing area was smallest and emerged from lowest velocity, setters decided to set to zones 3 and 4. It was concluded that the final area between attacker in the zone 3 and block and its emerging velocity constrained the setters’ decision-making on setting direction. This study provides useful insights into the design of practice tasks in volleyball, suggesting that setters should be advised to be attuned to the interpersonal coordination involving attacker in the zone 3 and block.
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